An internal control team (ICS) with personnel that ensures both quantity and quality will be an important factor in helping businesses operate and develop a sustainable production and trade model that is always suitable and effective.

An ICS team with a clear structure, suitable personnel, and responsive capacity will help the operating model to be effective and efficient, thereby reducing risks and risks arising in the process of applying and maintaining standards.

With a lot of experience, CRED experts will accompany businesses to build an ICS team as follows

Building ICS structure

Based on the specific operations of the enterprise, stakeholders (from the number of farmers, the number of raw material areas, processing facilities, subcontractors, etc.) and the requirements of the standard

Evaluating and selecting ICS personnel

Based on the requirements on qualifications and capacity of the positions according to the planned and approved organizational structure

Building ICS operating procedures

Including regulations and forms according to the requirements of the standard

Transferring and guiding ICS operation

To ensure that the team of personnel in charge of actual implementation is effective, efficient and meets the requirements of the standard

Training and guiding internal assessment

To ensure that the capacity of the inspection team is fully equipped with knowledge, skills as well as the ability to implement internal assessment to bring about objective, practical and comprehensive results.

ICS team with appropriate organizational structure, sufficient quantity and quality of staff will be a strong arm, an important factor to help businesses operate and develop sustainable production and trade models effectively and efficiently.

The Naturland organic standard is one of the sustainable standards that many agricultural export enterprises to the German market are interested in and want to implement, especially SMEs.

BEN TRE IMPORT EXPORT JOINT STOCK COMPANY (Betrimex) aims to certify Naturland organic for the associated coconut cultivation area with an area of ​​over 10,000 hectares to bring products to the German and EU markets. Bentrimex, with the advice of CRED, has improved the quality of the existing ICS team in terms of both standard knowledge and monitoring efficiency and effective internal assessment as required by the standard. Although the ICS and internal inspection team only had more than 10 people selected from the Certification Department, Production Department, QA-QC Department and the raw material area management team (10 people), they helped Bentrimex conduct a comprehensive review of the entire Coconut cultivation area of ​​more than 10,000 hectares in about 3 months, thereby selecting farmers who met the conditions and working with them to build a sustainable Coconut production and business model according to Naturland organic standards. This has contributed significantly to Bentrimex’s preparation and registration for Naturland standard certification to access the potential market of Germany and other countries in the EU.

Formation of an internal control team and performance of internal assessments
Formation of an internal control team and performance of internal assessments
Formation of an internal control team and performance of internal assessments